Grand Grammar

I'm always forgetting correct grammar rules. I mean, always. And did I mention my punctuation is pathetic? Well, it is.

There's a really cool website that I just found, and it's called "Grammar Girl." Well, actually it's really called "Quick and Dirty Tips," and I'm certain I am not italicizing and parathentizing correctly here. But, if I really want to know the right way to write, this lady has the answers. There are a bazillion tips for careers, work, lifetstyle, pets, etc. Hence the name "Quick and Dirty Tips."

But, it's the grammar section that really spoke to me. This section is filled with quick tips, written in a way that will make me always remember a particular rule the next time I need to use it. Like, How to Speak English like the Irish, or How to Write Grammatically Correct Photo Captions, or Commas with Adjectives. Useful, funny and insightful ... all at the same time. Way cool!

There's always a quick tip, or a point I needed to remember in my editing and writing. And this little website has it all. Check it out and bookmark it.  Because a wealth of information -- especially grammar information -- should never be hidden.


  1. I am always looking for new places to look for grammar.

    I am like you. I want to think I know what I am doing grammatically, but I have to check.

    Thanks for the tip!

  2. Heather, I have been using grammar girl for some time. I love the podcasts, too.

    I want so badly to write and blog but I'm not a very confident writer. I have this fear of my grammar being judged. I'm happy to see that I'm not the only one out there that wonders; however, it's so nice to see that you actually write about it.

