Your Writing Spot

Here's a view --from the outside--
of my ash and birch trees.
Every day, I go to my writing desk -- one that includes a PC, paper and pens, and a spot for my unending cup of coffee -- and write. Well, each day except Sunday. I do need a day of rest.

But this is my writing spot; it's where I go for inspiration, creativity and dreaming. If it changed, I would also have to seriously change my writing process and routine.

writer-friend of mine recently blogged about how her beloved writing spot has drastically changed: how three of her neighbor's trees were cut down in a matter of hours over the course of three days! Not just little trees mind you, but decades-old trees that not only provided shade and glorious beauty, but inspiration for her work. She depended on these trees, even if subconsciously.

The trees are gone now and it's as if three family members have died.

She basically has to re-establish her writing routine. Though they are mere trees, they also belonged in her daily schedule; they were ingrained into her make-up; a part of her creative life.

This got me thinking about how much I love the two tree rights outside my window; two trees that I tend to stare to and through as I'm thinking up plot or characters or dialogue. What would I do without them? I would have a hard time "rebooting" my system, if you will, if they disappeared.

What's your favorite writing spot? If it changed, would it be difficult for you to find a new place? Could you? Do you even need a writing spot? I know my friend will find a new "happy writing place" but it definitely won't be the same as before.

Appreciate your writing spot and write to your hearts content while you're there. Let me know what and where your writing spot is. I would love to know ... as I'm sure my friend would, too.


  1. I have two writing spots, my office which has the ergo keyboard that saves my wrists, and the living room couch with my laptop, has the fireplace in the winter. Both rooms have a nice lake and city view. I'd sit outside in the summer, but the glare on my screen doesn't let me see.

  2. I love to sit outside too! But, if I do, I bring the pen and paper ... long hand can do wonders for needing a change of scenery and style. Elle, congrats and the positive Kirkus review! Way to go.

  3. Hi,
    Nice post! I just sat straight upright when reading this. I guess I'm suffering from the exact same thing. Last year, sadly, I had to leave my writing spot. And with that left all my inspirations and creativity. Now I'm in the process of re-creating a writing spot that will work for me. Believe me, I paused writing for a year because of this sudden change!
