A friend of mine recently told me about a parenting magazine called Mamalode.
And after checking them out, I've come to the conclusion that Mamalode is a darn cool magazine. They have both an online and print magazine, dealing with mom life, parenting and everything that falls in between those two categories.Which is great for me. Because that's my life! The photography in the print version is incredible.
Apparently, Mamalode is quite well known. The blogger and creator of BlogHer, Lisa Stone, calls Mamalode "The best parenting magazine out there." That's saying something coming from a parent and writer, herself.
My friend suggested I start submitting to them, as I needed fresh markets to submit material. I felt like I was in a writing rut. So, I submitted a poem. They took it and it was online last week. It's rather appropriate they printed this first, considering April is poetry month.
The poem is called Harvesting the Oranges before Spring Growth. ◄
And they just recently took another article of mine, which happened to be a blog post I wrote here a couple of years ago. I rewrote it and they liked it, too. Weird.
Maybe there is a future for me in writing after all ... maybe.
And maybe not.
And maybe not.