My Little Corner of the Writing World

You know, for being a writer, I sure don't blog a lot. I mean, I'm a failure when it comes to this. I started my blogs because, let's face it, what's a writer (or who's a writer, really) without one?

It's like the necessary notebooks, books, journals, pens, computers, PCs -- on at the same time while on my phone as well, but that's another story for another time -- that a writer needs and wants that co-exists nicely with the incessant dialogue or scene setting that goes on in a writer's mind.

It's perpetual. It's never-ending. And it's lovely.

And I have kids. Kids can kind of take every living ounce of strength and will-power out of me, so that I don't want to write. At all. Like, at all all. Like ever again.

Okay, not true. That part just isn't true. But, their constant energy and living their schedules, warrants an IV caffeine drip into my right arm.

So it's ironic and very lackadaisical of me to not be writing here at my blog --my little corner of the world -- for perhaps maybe five readers. As the adage goes, if you're not writing, you're not a writer. This little "corner" should be my go-to. Especially when I'm not writing.

And while not writing doesn't not make me a writer really, in the basics of it, not writing doesn't further my writing skills. Therein lies the problem.

So, why am I not blogging? Am I just lame? Am I taking too may selfies? Is coffee just too much of a priority? (rhetorical question- the answer to that is a resounding "no.")
I'm not blogging probably because I'm writing other things. But, that's so incredibly backwards and ridiculous.


Okay. Here's a couple valid reasons (that I've rounded up in the last seven seconds) as to why it takes me darn-near two months between each post. Fair warning: some of you will be reading some new information here that I've not shared before.

1. I write monthly for an online magazine, called Society Letters. (You knew this.)

2. I will be writing monthly for my local magazine, called Gold River Living. (You don't know this. But now you do).

3. I am currently in school, online school, but school none-the- less through University of Wisconsin, Stout. I'm acquiring an online teaching credential. The teaching thing was a long-time coming. Now that the kids are growing up, I'm able to ponder this possibility again, so getting a credential is the next step. And teaching online as a precursor to in-class teaching, could be -- and may be --  the ultimate goal. I haven't decided that yet, either. (You didn't know this one for sure, but now you know).

4. I'm always thinking about my work-in-progress, a mid-grade fiction book that has yet to find an agent. Heck, it has yet to be edited fully and then submitted. Someday. (You knew this).

5. I also have another blog, for my vintage stuff. Blog ◄ (You may or may not have already known this. I blog there twice as much as I do here!!! Once a month. Yeah. Lacking.)

So, there you are. Five reasons I don't blog as often as I should.

←And this furry thing.  She doesn't help ... but she sure saves my sanity.

Having said all that, I hope to be back here soon.

Thanks for your perpetual patience.


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