Lessons I Learn From My Dog... Every Day

I learn something from my dog every day.

Every day.

There are usually a few lessons that rotate through my life, lessons I'm still learning, so every time I see one of these "lessons" in action, right in front of me, I realize how far I need to go to grow in my wisdom to be a better person; a dog-wise person.

The biggest lesson my dog has taught me is gratitude. Yep. Gratitude.

My dog is the happiest person I know. 

I realize my dog is not actually a human being, but she is such a part of my family and is so crucial to teaching me things (things that I just don't seem to want to learn), that I've deemed her human. So she is the happiest and smartest person I know. 

Back to gratitude... she exudes this daily. 

Great book. Get it here!
She's thankful to wake up to see me. Every day.

She's thankful when I come home from wherever I am. Every day.

She is thankful for food (most of the time...but especially if beef is involved.) Every day.

She is so thankful to go for walks. Every day.

Am I thankful for all the things I have in my life every day?

Hardly. I whine; I complain; I want more. So not attractive.

And every time I see how happy my dog is -- all from doing the same simple things, every day -- I marvel at her ability to truly grasp gratitude and enjoy the simple (but good) things in life.

Chicken Soup for the Soul just released their latest book yesterday titled, Lessons I Learned from my Dog.

Let me tell you, if you thought you loved dogs before reading this book, you will adore them a thousandfold by the end. They are amazing creatures that God has bestowed upon us to take care of. I mean, seriously incredible.

I happen to have a little story in this book that I'm proud of particularly because it's about, yet again, my dog teaching me gratitude. 

Go check it out. There are 101 phenomenal stories about men and women's best friends doing what they do best... teaching us how to truly live.


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